
Registration number: 09604
Increases strength and resistance in plants basic fertilizer


Fertilizer registration number: 09604
Expiry date: 10 years after production Producer company: Inan Green Tag
Producer country: China
Importer company: Bonasia Company
Address: Qazvin, Nokhabegan Blvd., Lidoma Building, Unit 7, Postal Code: 3414798485
Phone: 028-33658443 5,6 Net weight: 25 kg

Increasing rhizogenesis and united crop growing
Stimulating growth and increasing fruitfulness and crop quality
Impressive increasing rate of absorption of elements and other fertilizers
Supplying soil organic matter, reducing excess and soil poisoning
Controlling the effects of heavy metals in soil

 Product Analysis:

Percentage Element
3% total nitrogen
30% humic acid
50% organic matter

 Guidline to use:

Crop Rate of consumtion
for per hectar farmland 100-250kg
for per mature tree 0.5-2kg
for per kilogram of


Keep away from direct sunlight, humidity and at a temperature of 35-40 degrees
Do not mix with granular urea fertilizer while fertilizationing.
Keep out of reach of children.
Read the instructions carefully before use