
Registration number: 87421
Enriched liquid humic acid
Complete irrigation fertilizer


Fertilizer registration number: 87421
Expiry date: 3 years after production
Producer company: Inan Green Tag
Producer country: China
Importer company: Bonasia company
Net weight: 10 liters

  • Significant increase in fertility and crop quality
  • Addressing deficiencies in macro and micro nutrients in the soil
  • Improving soil structure and increasing water-holding capacity
  • Significant enhancement in rhizogenesis and vegetative growth
  • Stimulating germination, seed longevity, and tillering

Product Analysis:

Element Percentage
Humic acid 4.5%
 Folic acid 1%
 Potassium soluble in water 2%
 Total nitrogen 3.5%
 soluble zinc 0.0014%
 soluble iron 0.0022%
 manganese solution 0.009%
 Soluble copper 0.004%
pH 4-6

Guideline to use:

crop Rate of consumption
Agriculture  15-20liters per hectare – every turn
Gardens  20-30liters per hectare – every turn
Irrigation water consumption method

Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use together with alkaline.
substances and fertilizers containing calcium.
Read the instructions carefully before use.