Regal Hume 700

registration number:
Regal Hume 700


Fertilizer registration number:
Producer company :
Importer company: Hannan- Nahadeh -Asia packing :
Expiry date:

  • Significantly increases the use of mineral fertilizers in the soil.
  • Prevents washing away and blocking of macro elements in the soil.
  • Improves soil structure.
  • Increases the soil’s cation exchange capacity and improves soil aeration conditions.
  • Has extremely high resistance to hard water.
  • Stable at low pH levels.
  • High saturation degree.
  • Can be applied both as a foliar spray and through irrigation.
  • Highly compatible with NPK fertilizers.
Element Percentage
Potassium 10%
Humic Acid 65%
Fulvic Acid 15%
  • Avoid mixing with very acidic and alkaline compounds.
  • Foliar spray should be done early in the morning or at sunset.
  • Do not use simultaneously with calcium, sulfur, and algal compounds.
  • In case of mixing with other compounds and pesticides, first test in small amounts and on a limited area.