Fertilizer registration number: 45454
Expiry date: 3 years after production Producer company: Pardis Talaei
Distributor company: Bonasia company
Net volume: 1 and 5 kg
Fertilizer registration number: 45454
Increase plant resistance
Amino acid 85%
Constituents: amino acid, nitrogen
Enhancing pollination, seed germination and opening plant stomata.
Increasing plant resistance against various environmental stresses.
Increasing protein synthesis in the plant and increasing yield.
Physiological stabilization of nitrogen, reducing nitrate accumulation, improvement of
aroma and taste of fruits.
Strengthening the rhizogenesising system and increasing the life of the crop
Product Analysis:
Percentage | Element |
85% | Amino acid |
4% | Nitrogen |
Guidline to use:
Crop | Rate of consumption |
fruit trees | 1-2kg per hectare – home consumption 3-4kg |
Vegetable and summer crop |
1-2kg per hectare – home consumption 3-4kg |
Ornamental trees and shrubs | 2in per thousand liters – 2-3 times during growing |
ornamental and seedling flowers and grass |
every 20 grams for 100 square meters of grass or planting |
method of consumption | Foliar application |
Keep away from direct sunlight and humidity, and maintain a temperature of 35-40 degrees Centigrade.
Fertilization should be done at sunset or early morning.
During foliar application, the ground should not be in a thirsty state.