Highbon Granular

Registration number: 64460
Regenerative of saline and alkaline soils basic fertilizer

Fertilizer registration number: 64460
Expiry date: 10 years after production
Producer company: Inan Green Tag
Producer country: China
Importer company: Bonasia
Company Address: Qazvin, Nokhabegan Blvd., Lidoma Building, Unit 7,
Postal Code: 3414798485
Phone: 02833658443
Net weight: 25 kg

  • Improving structure and increasing moisture retention, ion exchange, and soil aeration
  • Increasing soil microorganisms and improving the absorption process of required nutrients for plants
  • pH adjustment and plant protection against alkaline factors
  • Modifier of physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil
  • EC reduction and soil salinity and lime control
  • No smell, long life in the soil, and expiration date not specified

Product Analysis:

Element Percentage
Humic Acid 25%
Fulvic Acid 2%
Organic Carbon 33%
Organic Matter 61%
pH 5-6

Guideline to use:

Crop Rate of Consumption
Farmland 100-250 kg per hectare
Tree Age 75-100 grams per year
Shrub Age 50-75 grams per year
Potting Soil 5-10 grams per kilogram
Method of Consumption Top dressing fertilizer or granular
  • Keep away from direct sunlight, humidity, and temperatures of 4-35 degrees Centigrade.
  • Do not mix with urea fertilizer while fertilizing.
  • Keep away from children.
  • Read the instructions carefully before using the fertilizer.