
Fertilizer registration number: 36794
Providing the key element iron
Iron amino chelate 10%
Constituent compounds: amino acid, iron chelate

Fertilizer registration number: 36794
Expiry date: 3 years after production Producer company: Pardis Talaei
Distributor company: Bonasia company
Net volume: 1 kg

  • Improving the yield, quality, and color of the crop
  • Increasing plant resistance against various environmental stresses
  • Providing the iron element needed by the plant and helping protein synthesis
  • Increasing chlorophyll production, improving synthesis, and increasing oxygen absorption

Product Analysis:

Percentage Element
10% Iron chelate
50% Total Amino acid

Guideline to use:

crop Rate of consumption
Crops and summer crops Foliar application: 2-6 kg in 400-800 liters of water – for one hectare
Seeded and stone fruits Foliar application: 2-4 kg in 400-800 liters of water- for one hectare.
Grape Irrigation water 2.5 – 5kg-for 1 hectare
Ornamental shrubs and grass Foilar application: 2-4 kg in 200-400 liters of water -for one hectare
  • Keep away from direct sunlight, humidity, and temperatures of 35-40 degrees Centigrade.
  • During foliar application, ensure the ground is not in a thirsty state.
  • Fertilization should be done at sunset or early morning.